Gitta Reppmann's 77th Birthday Livestream
Moin-Moin, dear Friends, Gitta’s 77th birthday is approaching on Sunday, September 24th. We invite you to record a short message in...

Deane & Ian Barbour: Toiling with the Defeated, 1948
US Diaries from the Ruins in Hamburg and Münster February 15, 2023, Rotary Club of Jerusalem, Video PowerPoint about the US diaries of...

Repercussions of the 1848 German Revolution and the Jews (shorter video)
My 20 minutes talk: at RC Jerusalem, (Wednesday, January 4, 2023). The 1848ers (“Forty-eighters”), typified by charismatic Gabriel...

The Future of Rotary - Video of our Live-Stream.
On January 2, 2023 we had welcomed Frank Bures & fine guests to our house in Northfield. Bures is a first-rate writer whose 2016...

Stoltenberg Award for Holger Knaack — RI President
The Stoltenberg Award will highlight the continued relevance of the democratic and moral values he, Dr. Gerhard Stoltenberg,...

"Spellbinding Rotary video talk!" R. Schulte
I was able to attend the Zoom meeting sponsored by the Leavenworth Rotary Club on Wednesday, February 3, 2022. It was a terrific meeting....

1932-2022: Nationalism - Then & Now
Keokuk Peace Letters (331 p) - How to Shape the Future Today we sense once again that the fundamental values of our communal life are...