Peace for Palestinians & Jews?
Rotary Keokuk "Peace Pipe" Letters, 1931-2031: In 1998 Dr. Dan Shanit, RC Jerusalem, was recruited by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres to be chairman of the Peres Center for Peace. Dan organized cancer treatment for Palestinian children. As a member of the Cadre of Technical Advisors of the Rotary Foundation, Dr. Shanit asked Anthony (Tony) Conn, RC St. Paul, MN #10, and Dr. Joachim (Yogi) Reppmann, RC Northfield, MN & RC Flensburg, State of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany to help build a bridge to the Palestinian Rotary Club in East Jerusalem. The two Rotarians had accepted the invitation and met Club President Fadi Shurafa at its meeting place in the legendary peace location: American Colony Hotel in January '23.
Dr. Dan Shanit, Peres Peace Center (right)
Fadi Shurafa, left
Tony and Yogi have been looking into an International Rotary Grant for funds to help support the Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem, named for "Auguste Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein", the wife of German Emperor Wilhelm II who visited Jerusalem in 1898. PS: Timeless Spirit of the “Rotary Keokuk Peace Letter Project, 1931—2031": To Native Americans, the ceremonial "sacred pipe"—sometimes called "peace pipe" by westerners—is offered to uphold and affirm agreements and commitments within the tribe or with groups outside the tribe. Today, we see many of the same warning signs that Rotarian Jewett Fulton did in 1931, when he wrote his “Peace Pipe” Letters around the world: the rise of Nationalism, acceptance of authoritarian leaders, nations encroaching on their neighbor’s lands, a widening gap in the distribution of wealth, demonizing immigrants, etc. (video production by John Nox)