INVITE: Paris Peace Conference, Feb. 1 '25:
"We have Jews and equally strong Anti-Zionistic Arabs in our Rotary Club. We are a living 'Pipe of Peace' always being smoked."...

Joni Sussman—Moving Video Talk about her Parents, Holocaust Survivors at www.PeaceConference.us
Joni Sussman, a child of Holocaust survivors, is active in Holocaust education in the Midwest. She is a past president of the Jewish...

Peace for Palestinians & Jews?
(video 08:42) In 1998 Dr. Dan Shanit, RC Jerusalem, was recruited by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres to be chairman of the...

Gitta Reppmann's 77th Birthday Livestream
Moin-Moin, dear Friends, Gitta’s 77th birthday is approaching on Sunday, September 24th. We invite you to record a short message in...

Gitta Reppmann's First Moving Indian Summer, Northfield, Minnesota, 1992.
Gitta's Life - a Reflection of her Favorite Poem: Theodor Storm's Rose Bush The humility and joie de vivre of a severely disabled person...

Gitta & Yogi Reppmanns erster Indian Summer in Northfield, MN 1992
Gittas Leben mit dem Rosenstrauch (Gedicht siehe bitte unten) Demut und Lebensfreude einer Schwerbehinderten machen sprachlos Erhard...

“Jungs—immer deutsch reden”, (Gents-talk German)
October 08, 2022, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, a culture-oriented national public German radio station in Berlin, broadcasted again our very...

Deane & Ian Barbour: Toiling with the Defeated, 1948
US Diaries from the Ruins in Hamburg and Münster February 15, 2023, Rotary Club of Jerusalem, Video PowerPoint about the US diaries of...

Repercussions of the 1848 German Revolution and the Jews (shorter video)
My 20 minutes talk: at RC Jerusalem, (Wednesday, January 4, 2023). The 1848ers (“Forty-eighters”), typified by charismatic Gabriel...

The Future of Rotary - Video of our Live-Stream.
On January 2, 2023 we had welcomed Frank Bures & fine guests to our house in Northfield. Bures is a first-rate writer whose 2016...