Dr. Fritz Kahn and his adventurous journey through the human body
Video of Thilo's Talk, RC Northfield, MN, 2:10 - 34:30 Video Perchance, German designer Thilo von Debschitz came across an image dating...
We are excited about our collaboration -www.PEACE-PIPE-proposal.com- with Rotary Club Johannesburg and “100 Community Mediators for...
With Jobs Against Trafficking of Girls
BY STEPHAN RICHTER, shz, June 13, 2020 ('Schleswig-Holstein Magazin'') English Translation of German Newspaper Article (please, see...
The WHO is needed now more than ever
Originally published at: https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2020/06/the-who-is-needed-now-more-than-ever/ On May 29, President...
The WHO is needed now more than ever - Charles A. Cogan
Originally published at: https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2020/06/the-who-is-needed-now-more-than-ever/ by Charles A. Cogan On...
1988, US-Germanisten in Schleswig-Holstein in: DIE ZEIT (St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN)
Bildungsreise: DIE ZEIT Eine volle Dosis Deutschland Amerikanische Germanisten erkundeten Schleswig-Holstein „Den Historiker Reppmann...
1985, Graefin Doenhoff, DIE ZEIT, als Studentin des St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
1985 - Zwei Wochen lang informierte sich ZEIT-Herausgeberin Marion Gräfin Dönhoff am St. Olaf College in Minnesota und Center College in...
Legacy of 1848 and Holocaust Education 2017 Conference
Program: 2017 Conference
Happy 90th Birthday, Dr. Wolfgang Plenio!
Exemplary Writings by Dr. Wolfgang Plenio, a retired gymnasium professor, who lives near Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. In 1973,...
Virginia Degen: From Princess of Pigs to World Ambassador
Since 1982, more than 500 German Schleswig-Holsteiners enjoyed Virginia Degen’s hospitality and friendship. First plans are on its way in...